

What do I need to bring?

Your private health insurance card, any reports from scans related to your injury (eg x-ray or MRI reports), any letters from your GP or specialist related to your injury.
If your GP has given you a Medicare or chronic disease management plan please bring all relevant signed paperwork.

What should I wear to my appointment?
Your physio or podiatrist can work around your clothes or provide you with clothes to change in to.
Ideally if you are coming for a hip/knee/ankle problem wear shorts and any shoulder/neck/upper back problem wear a bra rather then a sports bra.

How do I know if you can treat my problem?
Book an assessment, if we can’t treat it we will refer you to someone who can. Alternatively give our reception a phone call to discuss.

Do you treat Medicare and TAC clients?
Yes we treat Medicare and TAC clients, however please note a gap fee will occur. See below for required paperwork prior to receiving treatment.

What do I need to bring If I am a Medicare or TAC client?
Medicare: bring your Medicare card, your GP’s referral and a card that has a ‘savings’ or ‘cheque’ feature so we can refund your payment to you.

Can I claim my private health insurance on the day?
Yes, we have a HICAPs machine that allows claims to be made on the day.

What is the cancellation policy?
We have a 6 hour cancellation policy. Any cancellations that occur 6 hours or more before the scheduled time are able to be re-booked at no additional cost to the client. Any cancellations or rebookings that occur within the 6 hour period may result in a cancelled booking fee being applied (which will be equal to the value of the consultation fee for that booking which had been made and subsequently cancelled). The cancelled booking fee also applies to those that make a booking and failed to present to their designated appointment (ie no shows).