Achilles tendon pain
I have pain in my achilles tendon, should I rest it?
First, we need to make sure it IS a tendon that is causing your pain.
If it is a tendon, the answer is no! ❌
In days gone past treatment and management of tendon pain was to rest and pain will get better.
Now we know, if you rest a tendon for too long it will adapt to the decrease in load and actually become weaker.
This makes returning to activity particularly difficult. Therefore, staged and progressive loading is key to coming back from a tendon injury.
Allow time for your body to recover before heading back to activity. If you’re a bit sore, complete a smaller session, or cross train and work parts of the body that aren’t sore.
A well balanced diet low in sugar and refined carbohydrates, good hydration and 8 hours of regular sleep per night will all help to decrease inflammatory markers within the tendon and recover quicker.

We understand how important physical activity is. Keeping you as active as possible and getting you back to sport as quickly as possible is something we at GV Sportscare take very seriously and endeavour to tailor loading programs individually for every client.

Tom Davey
Podiatrist Shepparton, GV Sportscare